Eazy Blast

How to Choose a Whole Body Vibration Machine for Home?

whole body vibration machines

Are you looking for an effective way to fulfill your exercise regime daily? Well, the best whole-body vibration machine can help you with your fitness goals. As the plate on these machines vibrates at high frequencies, these vibrations are carried throughout our body, aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation. Additionally, these machines provide a perfect platform for people of different age groups to perform a wide range of exercises and improve their overall health and well-being.

Yet, enjoying the whole body vibration machine benefits comes with its own set of challenges. These machines are not created equally, which means you’ll come across different models manufactured by other brands, making the process of buying a whole-body vibration machine tedious. So, it is understandable to look for tips about how to choose a whole-body vibration machine. Here, we discuss the top tips for picking a machine while accommodating your needs.

The vibration type:

When looking for the best whole body vibration machine, vibration type is a critical factor in determining the right machine. Whole body vibration machines impart five types of vibration, namely:

The vibration intensity:

Another factor to keep in mind when looking for a whole body vibration machine is its intensity of operation. The speed at which the plate vibrates affects the results you accomplish and will determine whether or not you will be able to fulfil your goals, and if yes, how fast would you be able to do so. The vibration intensity, measured in Hertz, differentiates the speed capabilities of one machine from the other. Pivotal vibration machines offer up to 40Hz of intensity frequency, whereas triplane machines work around 30-50Hz.

Power and weight capability:

The power of a machine depends on its motor. An underpowered machine prevents it from delivering the right frequency and amplitude, hindering its true potential. Whole body vibration machines come in a range of weight capacities, and you might want to look for options that support the weight capacity of its heaviest user.

The platform size:

Vibration machines with a larger platform are suitable for exercising since they give you more room to stretch. On the contrary, machines with a smaller plate limit the exercises you can perform on the platform.

Platform grip: 

You will want to invest in whole body vibration machines that offer you the comfort and safety of freely exercising on the platform without worrying about hurting yourself. To do so, opt for machines with either a horizontal, vertical or intricate tread. It will ensure that you can exercise without worrying about either falling or slipping.

At Lifetime Vibe, your wish is our command. We’ve designed the best-in-class whole body vibration needs keeping in mind all the minute and important details of our customers. Give them a try and see the result yourself.

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